Thursday, July 16, 2015

July Sketchbook Pages #2

The top two drawings are my copies of Glen Keane's anatomical studies for Tarzan. The bottom two are my own studies.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Redoing Michael's Dialogue

I've decided to redo a dialogue scene I did a couple years back. Here is the original:

Originally, I used a super simple stand-in character model because I didn't have a set character design to work with at the time.  I intended to go back and draw the  actual character model over that animation. 

However, I ended up deciding to just redo the animation all together. The rough model I'm using in the animation below is the rough, simplified version of the actual character design. Here is the rough 1st pass:

A page of Michael's style of phrasing

The storyboards

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Straight Ahead Exercise #2

Wanted to try another quick exercise animated straight ahead. I would love to someday animate Goofy for a short. So I used a rough version of his character model for this exercise as a way of practicing his broad acting style.