Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dicky Dicky Dinosaur Book Rough Classroom Version

Here are some excerpts from the book I was designing for the Dicky Dicky Dinosaur song by Charlotte Diamond. I'm not too pleased with how it is colored( I only had prismacolor colored pencils), but the images are still clear enough to be good visuals for the kids.

I'd like to digitally color the drawings and make them look like more official illustrations (especially since I've got a new and better working Wacom tablet). The teacher that I worked for and made this book for, is trying to find a way for me to make visuals for classrooms and sell them to other schools in the district. Another co worker of mine let me know about this company that will print professional looking books. So once I finish the official illustrations I could organize them on the page with the text, print them as a book, and then hopefully sell that version.