Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Digital Painting Practice

          Another thing I've recently been doing is practicing digital painting in Photoshop. I want to learn how to use more brushes than just the first four in the default set. So, I did some brush studies and documented the ones I liked the most.

Wet Media Brushes:

Dry Media Brushes:
M Brushes:

Faux Finish Brushes:
Special Effect Brushes:

          Also here are some progress pics from works where I am using the brushes from my studies. The first one is my attempt to copy a photo to practice lighting and environment. The other two are creatures from my sketchbook. So far these works have definitely been a lesson in patience and the importance of using multiple layers. I look forward to doing more and getting better.

Friday, July 18, 2014

First Post

          Back in May, I decided to come up with a way to keep up with drawing in and filling up my sketchbooks outside of school. I also wanted a way to practice drawing confidently with a pen (I'm used to a pencil and the ability to erase), making caricatures and drawing various styles of characters (as opposed to only ever drawing in one style).
          So I made a contract with myself to sketch anything that came to mind at anytime. Normally, I would think of something cool and hoped I would remember it when the time came for me to be "in the mood" to draw. Now, if I'm sitting around playing a game, watching Netflix or YouTube, or reading when an interesting idea pops into my imagination I drop what I'm doing and sketch it immediately. If I'm napping and imagine a design while my eyes are closed I wake up and draw it, then go back to sleep. And of course I keep my .05 pen (Prismacolor Premier), sketchbook and a flashlight next to my bed, because I always have fantastic ideas as I'm trying to fall asleep. I also want to make sure my book is close when I wake up so I can roughly sketch key parts of my dream before it disappears. Also if  I'm out and about, I try to quickly sketch a caricature of the people I see.

Here are the fruits of my labor so far: